• AC Modeling and Mitigation
The presence of high-power lines near underground pipelines can produce AC interferences on the pipeline or expose the line to electric shock risk in the case of a failure or atmospheric discharge.
The presence of AC on the pipeline in function of the voltage level can present a human safety risk (due to the potential difference at the moment of contact or due to the potential difference upon approach). AC current density can also
represent a corrosion risk for metal.
Electrical discharges due to current failures or atmospheric events are, without a doubt, a risk to coating and/or pipeline integrity, depending on their
When planning to locate a pipeline in proximity to high power lines or when high power lines are planned near an existing pipeline, the possible effects of their interaction should be studied.
Studying these effects includes a survey of projected or existing structures (pipelines and high power lines), and the compilation of information related to these installations (for example, the intended maximum charge for high power lines). Field measurements for all necessary parameters for modeling are included, and if necessary, facility design to mitigate AC voltage on the pipeline to protect the line from atmospheric or fault currents, and to mitigate touch or step voltage gradients.
CPT offers all these services in an efficient, safe, and responsible manner,
fulfilling all your project’s goals.
• Workforce Development
When a Company offers an adequate training plan for its technicians, a job becomes a career, generating an important positive impact between employees and employer.
Training courses can be designed to offer basic knowledge regarding task performance or to enter into more in depth concepts so as to increase understanding of data collected by technicians.
The values read by technicians are numbers that communicate a message that a competent technician is able to interpret and understand.
Nowadays, the best engineers can design regardless of their physical location but technicians must work in the field to collect the data needed. If they do not understand the importance of their jobs, that engineer working remotely will not be able to create the best design because he won’t have the quality information that he requires.
Training plans include:
- In-house classes with scheduled days and hours with programmed frequency.
- On the job field training, in order to familiarize technicians with common situations.
- Small lab simulations to study cathodic protection systems, electrical circuits, etcetera.
- Basic mathematical concepts needed to calculate equations most used in cathodic protection and to make unit conversions.
- Training can include exams to verify level of knowledge acquired.
- Use of specific survey equipment.
- Customized plans to cover client’s specific needs.
• Troubleshooting
For more than 20 years we have worked on all types of cathodic protection systems including gas, oil, and wáter pipelines, above grade and underground tanks, tank interiors and more.
We offer personalized service to our clients including:
- Evaluation of cathodic protection systems.
- Field measurements, design calculations, for system renewal (for galvanic and impressed current systems).
- short searching in gas distrution systems.
- Cathodic protection system upgrades (both galvanic and impressed current).
- Detection of interferences from other cathodic protection systems.
- Detection of stray currents not arising from cathodic protection systems (transport, factories, etcetera).
- Detection of AC interferences.
- Insulation review (casing, flanges, etcetera)
• Cathodic Protection Design
Over 25 years of experience bringing functional and economical solutions to your installations.
From the initial survey to field measurements to concept to detailed design including required specifications, CPT covers your cathodic protection needs effectively and directly.
We earned our professional experience working on cathodic protection designs for:
- Gas distribution networks.
- Oil field pipeline networks, galvanic and impressed current.
- Underground tanks.
- Above grade tank bottoms.
- Mid- to wide diameter gas and oil transportation pipelines.
- Water pipelines
- Grounding systems
- Galvanic and impressed current systems, as well as unconventional power systems (thermogenerators, solar, wind, and more).
You can count on us for your next project. PRO TECH your assets! Cathodic protection is as easy as CPT